ix. 6 November 1837

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Letter 9: Watson to Jowett, 6 November 1837, p.1.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/9.
MS page no: 2-033


[Noted] Recd May 23/38

Mission House Wellington Valley 6 Nov 1837

My dear Sir
I received your Letter of the 16th March 1837 but do not consider myself at present fully prepared to reply to those very serious charges implied therein. As by the time we shall receive an answer to this we shall have been seven years from England, and as two applications have been made to the Cors Comee for leave of absence for the benefit of our health without obtaining their permission, I have now to request that the Parent Comee will allow us to visit England for the benefit of our worn out constitution.

I am
My dear Sir
Yours faithfully
Wm Watson
[Address] Revd Wm Jowett
Ch. Missy Socty

People in WellPro Directory: Jowett, Reverend W.

Letter 9: Watson to Jowett, 6 November 1837, p.2.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/9.
MS page no: 2-034


[Noted] W. Valley, Nov. 6/37
Rev. W. Watson

People in WellPro Directory: Jowett, Reverend W.