vii. Jan-March 1834

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Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.1.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-172


[Note] Rec. Jue 23/35[72]

Rev. W. Watson's Journal from the 1st Jany 1834 to the 31st March 1834 inclusive.

[1 January 1834]
Wednesday 1st Jan. A man came over from Goboleon to say that seven armed bushrangers had robbed a hut at a short distance and had intimitated their intention of coming to Wellington. We have indeed more danger to apprehend from such characters than from the untutored Natives around us. Several Natives worked in the mission garden today. We have 8 of them here. They often ask questions now respecting religion.

[4 January 1834]
Saturday 4th. Eleven Natives here. All of whom are under instruction and say their prayers morning and evening. They have been working in the garden for several days.

[10 January 1834]
Friday 10th. Some more Natives have come up exceedingly afflicted with a disease of the heart, many of them are at present suffering from the same complaint.

[12 January 1834]
Sunday 12. Only eight of the Natives attended church today, but they seemed to pay as much attention as if they felt deeply interested in the service. We have repeated evidences of their remembering many things which they hear at church and family worship. We have never taught them the Apostles Creed as part of their prayers, but when I read over my translation of it into their language they immediately repeated it in English and they had learnt it inly by hearing it at church.

[14 January 1834]
Tuesday 14. Br and Sister Handt with child and servant arrived tonight from Sydney, having been preserved from

People in WellPro Directory: Handt, Mary (nee Crook)

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.2.
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MS page no: 2-173

the attacks of the bushrangers with which the roads are so much infested at present.[73]

[24 January 1834]
Thursday Jan 24th. Rode 16 miles into the bush today and found the heat extremely oppressive. Ten Natives with us at present. I could not prevent them from eating a calf which had died today of the "Black leg".[74]

[25 January 1834]
Friday 25th. Another calf has died of the above named disease and it is truly affecting to witness the desire which our children show of eating it notwithstanding they receive a regular supply of good and wholesome food.

[27 January 1834]
Sunday 27th. Ten Natives at church today. They were catechised and instructed in the afternoon by Mrs Watson, as I had gone a few miles to visit a sick man. They possess very retentive memories and are very quick at learning when they will bend their minds to it.

[31 January 1834]
Friday 31st. Goongeen and I left home to go into the bush in a south westerly direction. After travelling for sometime we arrived at a sheep station where we found two Europeans; both could read but they possessed no book of any kind. One of them, an Irishman, paid no attention to what I said on the subject of religion, but the other, an Englishman, entered freely into conversation on the subject. I gave them some tracts and travelled on till we arrived at another sheep station where we found two men without any book except a tract respecting a pious negro, which they said they had read over so many times as to remember almost the whole of it.

People in WellPro Directory: Handt, Mary (nee Crook) | Watson, Mrs

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.3.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-174


I had seen one of these men before, on the Sunday which I sometime ago spent among the shepherds. He had received religious instruction at a Sunday School and seemed to be affected when I spoke to him respecting his soul. I gave them some tracts. Hoping to find water we travelled till it was quite dark without succeeding. The difficulty of proceeding through the bush compelled us to stop. We had considerable difficulty in erecting our tent as the night was so dark that we could not see to cut poles for it. However, having succeeded in finding what we were willing to be satisfied with we erected our tent, spread our blankets on the ground and committed ourselves to the care of our heavenly father.

[1 February 1834]
Sat. Feb. 1st Rose this morning about 4 O'Clock. We had much rain during the night attended with thunder and lightening. We placed our pannikins outside the tent in order to catch a little rain to quench our thirst, but could not succeed. This morning Goongeen found water at some distance which was seasonable relief to us. Having sought Divine direction we recommenced our journey and proceeded till we came to a sheep station where there were 3 Europeans. I gave them some tracts and spoke to the only one present on the subject of religion. In a few hours without having seen any Natives we came to another hut. I alighted and went in, but the conversation of the 4 or 5 white men there was of the most vicious kind. I spoke to them on the subject, one of them acknowledged that it was an unprofitable practice. But another kept pacing the room whistling

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.4.
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[1 February 1834 cont]
aloud as though he did not regard what I said. We learnt that 3 policemen had left this station in the morning in pursuit of an armed bushranger who fired at them yesterday and from whom they had taken a horse laden with tea, sugar, ammunition &c but he escaped with a Black female who was accompanying him. After leaving this station we had not proceeded many miles before we reached another where we found between 20 and 30 Natives. One little (Native) girl who had been with us a short time came running to meet me saying "now parson, now parson". I was acquainted with nearly all the Natives that I found here. While speaking to some of them respecting religion, one female said she believed that they "would all go to devil devil very soon'. There were several children here but I could not succeed in persuading any to go with me. There was also a fine boy here about 12 years of age who had been sometime with us at Wellington Valley but he would not return. The white men here seem'd very jealous of me, one in particular followed me from one company of Natives to another. We erected our tent on the bank of a fine creek, made some tea of which the Natives did not wait for a second invitation to partake. We removed from here a short time before sun setting and reached a station where we propose spending the Sabbath. Goongeen asked me to travel all the night in order to get to church at Wellington tomorrow. We arrived at the hut and had family worship after which we erected our tent at a short distance. Goongeen wished to sleep in the tent with me, as it is a very small one made to be carried on horseback I could not accommodate him. He said that he was afraid of Wandong (the devil). [75] I told him that he ought to pray to God

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.5.
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to take Wandong out of his heart as it was his being there that he ought to be concerned for. He said he would go and sleep in the hut and then croppies (thieves) would immediately come and take me. I told him that he might go into the hut as I was not afraid. However he laid down and was very soon asleep.

[2 February 1834]
Sunday Feb 2nd. Had Divine service and family worship in the hut today.

[3 February 1834]
Monday Feb. 3rd Having had family prayer and given a Testament to one of the men, we commenced our journey homewards, for in no other direction would my Native companion proceed one step. And as I was not able to take my tent &c on my mare, I was compelled to yield. We reached home in the afternoon, having travelled during the journey 80 or 90 miles. I cannot say that any good has been effected by this short tour. I have seen some of the Natives and spoken to them respecting their souls. I have visited many of my own countrymen who are scattered as sheep having no shepherd. I have admonished them and given them tracts &c. May the Lord in infinite mercy grant that they may be made instrumental to the good of their souls in this wilderness.

[8 February 1834]
Saturday Feby 8. This day Mrs Watson, myself and Geanil (our Native girl) and Joseph left home, with the cart and 3 horses, in order to proceed into the interior to visit some of the wild Natives. We were to start yesterday but Mrs Watson was not well. Her reason for

People in WellPro Directory: Watson, Mrs

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.6.
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MS page no: 2-177


thus exposing herself to additional privations and inconveniences is the hope that she may have some influence in persuading some Native females to give or lend their children to us. Goongeen wanted to accompany us, as did also Oombeedyoong, another of our boys. I did not wish to take them away from the settlement. However, they went before us and for 2 or 3 miles cut down large boughs of trees and laid them across the road to prevent us from proceeding. After we had got a few miles they showed themselves and expressed an anxious desire to accompany us. Though our stock of flour was small we consented to their going. Goongeen led us (as he said) a shorter way than the usual track, but as it was through the deep bush and as we were overtaken by a very heavy storm of rain attended with tremendous thunder and lightning our horses proceeded very slowly. Having travelled about 18 miles we encamped near the river, erected our tent and took up our abode for the night.

[9 February 1834]
Sunday Feby 9th. The rain, thunder and lightning continued during the whole of last night, and we were teased by so large a host of small ants creeping over us that we had no rest. Our camp furniture consists of boxes and sacks of which we make pillows, chairs, tables &c. When the weather cleared a little we struck our tent and again proceeded, intending if we should meet a party of Natives to remain with them for the day. But not falling in with any we travelled till we arrived at a place called by the Natives Murrambirdthiree [sic] where we found several. They immediately brought some wood and made us a fire while

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.7.
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MS page no: 2-178


the tent was being erected &c. After having taken some tea we had family worship in the open air, at which two white men from a neighbouring station and all the Natives, 8 in number, attended. All the latter afterwards said prayers, Goongeen taking the lead in a very solemn manner, and the others repeating. Administered medicine to two sick Europeans. A Native female, Charlotte, who is living here is very lame, she has not been able to walk for a long time owing to pain and contraction of her knee. I gave her some compound liniment of ammonia to rub on it.[76] She allowed us to take a little girl Kitty, an orphan of whom she has the charge but who is generally living with an European in an improper manner.

[10 February 1834]
Mond. Feb. 10th Having had family worship we struck our tent and proceeded on our way, several of the Natives accompanying us. Their active and lively manouvers seemed to alleviate the monotony of bush travelling. Arrived at Warree about One O'Clock, found here old Bobbaguk, a Native who is generally at Wellington, and a few others. Administered medicine to a sick European and travelled on to Dhubboo [sic][77] about 40 miles from Wellington. We determined to rest here for the night, we therefore unyoked our horses and erected our tent. We are informed that there are many Natives in this neighbourhood, but as one of their number died here a short time ago they will not sleep near the place. The ceremony of making young men, it's said, is to take place soon not far from here, and a large concourse of Natives is expected to be present on the occasion. Several Europeans attended family prayers tonight, held as usual in the open air, but how little they are accustomed to such religious

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services may be well imagined from the fact that they stood up having their hats on during the time we were thus engaged. In this respect they were outdone in decorum by the poor unlettered Aborigines who all knelt down and said their prayers in the presence of the Europeans who expressed their astonishment at what they saw and heard in this respect. Tonight about 9 O'Clock, Kabahrin (or Oorimbildwally) rose up and went for a considerable distance round the tent, holding his hands over his head apparently in mental agony. Some of the Natives said he saw the devil, others said he said his father's spirit (he was interned in this neighbourhood a few months ago). For a considerable time he would not speak to anyone and the Natives who were sitting round the fire kept up a continual puffing and spitting which I am told is to drive the devil away. When his inward struggling was over he laid down and called for some water, saying that he was sick and ill.

[11 February 1834]
Tuesd. Feb 11th Left Dhubboo before breakfast this morning and travelled about 9 miles to Bertherie where we turned our horses out to feed, and erected our tent to rest for a while and to take a little tea, for this is our general food in the Bush, Tea and Damper (unleavened cake baked in the ashes). Karbahrrin started this morning at daybreak and Goongeen remained behind with some Natives, of whom we met about 20 or 30 going to Dhubboo. I knew many of them. We met also a sick Native so debilitated and crippled by disease that he was scarcely able to walk. I told him that I should soon return and then he must accompany us to Wellington. He was willing to do so, and told me that he was brother to Booby or Booley of whom

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.9.
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MS page no: 2-180

I have several times made mention, as coming to Wellington in almost a dying state, and afterwards recovering and reproving an European for swearing. We reached Munore, about 60 miles from Wellington, [78] a short time before sunset. This is the most beautiful place I have yet seen on the banks of the McQuarrie. It is what some would indeed term a "Lovely Spot". Here we erected our tent and took up our abode for the present. We have found only two Natives here, one of them, Tommy, very ill, he was with us at Wellington for a few weeks sometime ago. He says that he was very stupid to leave us. A stockman had many times advised him to come to me for medical aid, but he always refused, saying he was too mush afraid. He now promises to go, but he is unable to walk such a distance. Had family worship as usual in the open air at which two Europeans, Roman Catholics, and the Natives attended. We have seen many trees that had been struck by lightening in the late storm, several of which had been split and driven to a considerable distance. Thus have we been graciously preserved by our God and Saviour. A thunder storm in this colony is truly awful.

[12 February 1834]
Wednes. Feb. 12th We this morning proceeded on our journey into the interior. Tommy was very anxious to accompany us, the other Natives begged that he might as he knew the road through the bush. His very diseased body rendered him a very unpleasant companion to Mrs Watson in the cart, but she was willing to bear this inconvenience. They always emit a very unpleasant smell, but in what a wretched condition his poor body was may be in some measure

People in WellPro Directory: Watson, Mrs

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.10.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-181


[12 February 1834 cont]
conceived from the circumstance that when he afterwards left the cart pieces of corrupt flesh were found where he had been sitting. It is impossible to convey in writing the sickening and disgusting scenes we are often compelled to witness in our attempts to do good to these degraded creatures. Not indeed that under such circumstances we are out of love with our work or with the scene of our labours, we are willing and anxious to spend our whole life among them hoping and praying that God would make us useful to their souls.
Our journey today lay through very thick bush which was not passed without difficulty, and through a deep creek. This with the heavy storm of rain, thunder and lightning which we had for a considerable part of the day made us glad and grateful to find a convenient resting place where we could erect our tent, which we did a short time before sunset having travelled for nearly 12 hours. On our way, coming to the river, our Natives would take a swim, one of them who is nearly blind dived to the bottom and brought up a very large turtle. We shot a wild pigeon yesterday which we found if not very substantial at least very grateful to common meal. Goongeen shot a duck tonight. We are now 320 miles from Sydney and about 80 from Wellington. I think that some place in this neighbourhood would be eligible for a missionary station. It is on the very borders of the wild Natives. We expected to meet many today as a messenger had been dispatched to Gingin to summons them to Dhubboo, but we have not met any. Our Natives say that perhaps they have gone another way and they may be now at Munore. Some venomous insect, of which there are very many in the bush, stung Mrs Watson today in her left wrist, it immediately swelled and run up her arm

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accompanied with most excruciating pain extending to her chest. The arm was bound up above the place were it was stung and it has been well bathed with a lotion, but neither the pain or swelling has abated.

[13 February 1834]
Thursd. Feb. 13. Our servant man and Goongeen went out early this morning to endeavour to kill a kangaroo or some other animal for the dogs which have fared poorly since we left home. However, though they saw several they could not come up with them. The pain in Mrs Watson's arm has prevented her sleeping during the night. It is much inflamed and swollen this morning. We engraved the initials of our names on two trees where we have been encamped. As we had not met the Natives, and it was believed that they might now be at Munore, and especially as our stock of flour was getting very small we thought it advisable to return. The wild Natives in this neighbourhood about 6 months ago in one of their excursions near one of the stock stations slaughtered some Bullocks. The stockman said to some of their brethren afterwards that policemen would come from Sydney and take them down there and hang them. This has been the means of keeping them back in the bush lately. The road through the bush, as yesterday, was exceedingly rugged, which shook the cart so violently as to make the pain in Mrs Watson's arm almost intolerable. We returned by a different route from that which we travelled yesterday. I felt exceedingly fatigued when we arrived at Munore, though we had not come more than 18 or 19 miles, but the sun was so oppressive and the bush so difficult to pass, often scratching our faces or tearing our clothes as we proceeded. We encamped at Munore on the

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.12.
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spot where we had encamped before. The messenger that had been sent to summon the Gingin Natives returned today having travelled 60 or 70 miles without finding them. Another messenger who had been sent before him has not yet returned.

[14 February 1834]
Friday 14th. Are resting our horses today. Goongeen shot a duck and caught two fishes [sic]. We have 6 Natives here whom we are attempting to instruct in the great truths of religion, but it seems almost like beating the mountains with a rod.

[15 February 1834]
Sat 15th. We have remained here today in hope that the wild Natives would come up, but they have not. The Natives caught a turtle and some fish. Goongeen shot 3 wild pigeons and a duck. Mrs Watson's arm much easier and less swollen tonight.

[16 February 1834]
Sunday 16th. Had Divine service today as well as family worship in the open air. I endeavoured to speak to the Natives respecting the creation &c &c today, but they had no ears. I attempted again and again to fix their attention but without effect. O that God would be pleased to give them another heart and another spirit.

[17 February 1834]
Monday 17th. Left Munore taking with us sick Tommy in the cart. We reached Berthiree about 11 O'Clock and stopped to rest our horses and to take breakfast. Having rested for a few hours we proceeded towards Dhubboo intending to spend the night at the camp of the Natives, but when we came there not a Native was to be seen. A short time afterwards a young man joined us. At first Goongeen looked on him apparently with a jealous eye, but having exchanged a few words they soon became familiar and we learnt that [neither] the Mudgee nor the Gingin Natives having come up the others had gone to Murrambirthiree. We therefore proceeded to Dhubboo and encamped for the night. The overseer at this place was exceedingly kind, accommodating us with some fresh mutton. Sometime ago he came to Wellington to beg a few cobs of maize corn, which I gave him and he appears to have remembered it. Gratitude is so rare

People in WellPro Directory: Watson, Mrs

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.13.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-184


in this Colony that a single instance like this makes a deep impression on one's mind. I have several times taken in sick Europeans to afford them medical assistance, much to my own personal inconvenience. And in return before they have left me, though restored to health, they have either robbed me or attempted to do worse, to have connexion with our Native females. All the Europeans at this station, 6 or 7 in number, attended family worship. Their behaviour was much more becoming the occasion now than it was when we were here before. The Natives said prayers as usual.

[18 February 1834]
Tuesd. 18th. As one of the Europeans here is very ill, for his sake we have remained another day.

[19 February 1834]
Wednes. 19th Left Dhubboo and proceeded by Warree, where there were only two or three Natives, to Murrambirthiree, where we found about 60 Natives. I administered medicine to 17 of their sick tonight. The diseased and corrupted state of their emaciated bodies is a true though not perfect emblem of their diseased souls. I visited them all tonight at their camp, which took me some hours so that it was about 11 O'Clock when I returned to my tent. Their petitions are not for instruction in the way of life. But their fist and continual language is "Gathal deengunga, Pyhook deengunga, Weekga deengunga", give me tobacco, give me a pipe, give me bread.

[20 February 1834]
Thurs 20th We have work enough now before us, and so long as the Natives remain here and we have a morsel of bread and water from the river to make us tea, we have no intention to depart. Many of the Natives and especially females came and remained around our tent the whole of the day. They were shown many pictures with which they seemed much surprised and pleased. I administered medicine to the sick and endeavoured to impart some religious instructions to all around. Warrahbin is here with Narrang Jackey, and

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.14.
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she would go with us to Wellington but Jackey will not allow her. She said that she does not speak to the Native females respecting God because they do not know anything. Mrs Watson told her that she ought to teach them and they would then perhaps begin respecting those good things of which she had heard so much at Wellington. Mrs Watson wished her to take the lead with the children in saying prayers, but she would not, perhaps she felt a degree of shame before so many Natives, however she readily united with them when Geanil took the lead. We have here a very old woman in a sorely diseased state. We wish her to go with us, but do not know whether she will.

[21 February 1834]
Friday 21st The old woman had gone away very early this morning but has been brought back to us. Most of the Natives are moving away to Buckambah, as it is said to make young men there. Several females are left behind. Charlotte, who had been lame for a long time, has been completely cured by the liniment which I gave her on my way to Gingin, she is now walking about without pain or stiffness. The many cures which the Divine Being has graciously effected on the diseased bodies of these Natives through my instrumentality would, one might imagine, make them grateful. But I have not yet witnessed a single instance. Mrs Watson has succeeded in obtaining two more young girls. She saw them going towards the river, but when they saw her they ran away with all possible speed. But taking Geanil with her she followed them to the camp. They were very much afraid and another which was there hid her face under an oppossum cloak. Geanil acted as an interpreter and was the means of encouraging them. For a wonder the other Natives, both male and female, urged them to come without fear. One of the girls is blind, we purchased her once before for a blanket, but her mother took her away. And now again

People in WellPro Directory: Watson, Mrs

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.15.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-186


for a handkerchief, and the other for necklaces. Geanil was very useful in my holding conversation with the Natives on the subject of religion. It was truly surprising to hear how earnestly she argued with them in their own language. We have now five females and two sick males to accompany us to Wellington, besides Geanil, Goongeen and Kabarhinm making 10 in all.

[22 February 1834]
Sat. 22 Feb. We have been up all the night as we were afraid some of our family would be decamping by moonlight. I was very anxious last evening to have the horses up and tethered at a small distance from the tent in order to commence our journey during the night. I could not prevail upon our man to get them up as they had broken the rope once, he said I could have them soon enough in the morning. I dared not to tell him my intentions as it would soon have reached the ears of those who had given us the children and their coming again would cause us considerable inconvenience. As I had anticipated it has fallen out. Though we were ready to start before 6 O'Clock, some of the Natives were with us even earlier than that, among whom were the parents of the blind girl. In addition to the handkerchief we gave them something to eat, a pipe and some tobacco, yet they were unwilling to let the child go. And the mother of the girl was determined to go with us. I used my utmost endeavours to dissuade her but all to no purpose. And indeed what can we say to such a circumstance. In addition to that affection which naturally has possession of the parent towards her child, every means is used by the European stockman to prejudice their minds against by representing us as wanting the children only to send them to prison &c &c.

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The old woman that is so very ill would not on any account go with us. One of the females here has a babe about a fortnight old. It is very ill. Its hands and feet and other parts appeared to be blistered, perhaps by its being smoked, as it is a custom to hold their infants in smoke for a considerable time and to rub them over with the bark of a certain tree which is exceedingly Black. Mrs Watson washed the infant in warm water and made it a small gown &c. I felt very much inclined to baptise the child, but expecting it would die I apprehended that its parents would say I had killed it. We proceeded on our journey homewards having eight persons in the cart. Kabahrin acted as postillion riding the first horse. We reached Wellington between 5 and 6 O'Clock in the evening, having been graciously preserved by our Heavenly Father, not having suffered any accident and having had our health continued (except in the case of Mrs Watson's arm) though we have not slept in a hut during the whole of the time, and have had only Bush fare in the rudest sense of the word. We found 3 Natives here on our arrival.

[24 February 1834]
Mond. Feb 24th Being informed that an overseer about 12 miles off has sent for me on account of sickness, I and Goongeen rode over today to see him.

[25 February 1834]
Tuesd. 25th. Eighteen Natives here now, 13 of whom said prayers. The remainder were either too sick or too proud to come in. Several attempts have already been made to get the blind girl away.

[26 February 1834]
Wednes 26th Our sick Natives are recovering and the others are being instructed. A young man has come who is

People in WellPro Directory: Watson, Mrs

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.17.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-188


very ill. He has been a good deal about this establishment. He is very wicked and I have at different times had considerable trouble with him. I met him in the bush sometime ago and was speaking to him respecting his conduct when he replied that he would do as he pleased for me, and made use of the worst language that was possible. I suppose he remembered this and durst not come to Wellington. However I saw him as I passed through Goboleon the other day and told him to come up and he has done so.

[27 February 1834]
Thursd Feb 27th As some of the Natives being sick do not attend family prayers I have taught them tonight in the open air.

[1 March 1834]
Saturd Mch 1st We have had all the girls sleeping in my study for seven nights in order to prevent their escaping. But they are so dirty and bring in so many things as fish bones &c &c that the smell and dirt they make has become almost intolerable. Today I made a shutter and put it on the window in the hut for them to sleep there. But they had not been in it half an hour before the blind girl had climbed up through a small hole which had been left to admit light into the hut. She, however, was brought in again. It is not to be understood that we keep them as prisoners night and day. During the day they have sufficient liberty but at night we are anxious to have them where there is neither ingress nor egress for several reasons.

[2 March 1834]
Sunday Mch 2nd. Preached this morning for the first time in the building which I have altered and fitted up as a church. It is commodious and convenient. Having a pulpit, reading desk, table for an alter and alter rail. May the time speedily come when it shall be filled by Natives anxiously listening

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to the message of mercy in their own language. This afternoon I was teaching a few of the children in my study. I could not prevail on those which we brought with us out of the bush to come in. When I had been thus engaged about half an hour one of the children went out and immediately returned saying that Harry and the females had all gone. I could scarcely believe it though they had broken the door of the hut open during the night. I immediately took my mare and two Native boys and went in one direction, and one of our men in another. After having sought for them a long time in vain we returned. The man came back when it was nearly dark bringing the blankets which had been lent to the Natives. He said that he found Harry in a tree and the children under it. As soon as they saw the man they enquired "what name you look out? Blankets?" He said no, I want you to go to Wellington. At that they instantly threw down their blankets, jump'd into the river and swam across in a very short time. When they got on the shore they all ran away as quickly as they could. And so ends all the effects of our care and anxiety &c &c in bringing them so far and supporting and giving medicines to the sick man.

[7 March 1834]
Friday Mch 7 Fourteen Natives here at present, some of them very ill.

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[9 March 1834]
Sunday Mch 9th. Eight Natives at church today.

[10 March 1834]
Monday 10th King Bobby and three yeeners came up to our house today. Rachel, one of them, and one who was mentioned sometime ago as having a child to an European, which the Natives was murdered by its father. She had an infant (half caste) with her, it was literally covered with that most loathsome of all diseases. We could not prevail on them to stop here.

[11 March 1834]
Tuesday 11th. Our children were speaking to each other in the hut tonight. We overheard them. Their subject was Jesus Christ and Heaven. they said Jesus Christ is all over and sees everything, and then they endeavoured to recollect all the places and person's houses with which they were acquainted, saying and Bathurst too and Sydney too &c &c. They then attempted to consider who there were in Heaven. Among them they mentioned God and Jesus Christ and Methusala and Moses too. Six Natives here at present. 4 or 5 belonging to us have gone to a station 3 miles off. Perhaps they will return tomorrow.

[16 March 1834]
Sunday 16th. Eight Natives at church today. Eramdiul came up this afternoon. I spoke to him on the subject of religion and told him that he should be getting ready to die. He said do not say any more about dying, I shall not die yet. I told him that if he knew God and Jesus Christ who died to take away his sins he would not then be afraid to die. So true it is that through fear of death they are all their lifetime subject to bondage. Nothing can deliver them from this but a saving interest in Christ. Sometime ago some of the Natives went to Mr Fisher at Goboleon, 3 miles from this place, and asked for

People in WellPro Directory: Fisher, Thomas

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.20.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-191


some tobacco. Mr Fisher very properly told them to go to Wellington. O no, they replied, "Too much Mr Watson Apyhalla (a spurious word for speaking). That fellow always pyhalla, we don't want pyhalla, want tobacco, pipes, bread." A Native came up to our house this evening to join the others at prayers. He had brought a number of Oppossum's skins for an European. I told him that it was very wicked to do so on Sunday. He said he did not make a light (know) what day it was, but white fellow did he believed.

[17 March 1834]
Mond. Mch 17th Left home this morning with one of our Native boys for the bush for a few days. We reached Murrambirdthiree about 3 O'Clock. I erected my tent and having made a fire took a pannikin of tea. Many Natives in this neighbourhood. Several soon congregated round my tent. Two of them paid particular attention to what I said and asked some pertinent questions. I always endeavour to preach Jesus Christ, never forgetting the instructions on this head given in the history of the Greenland mission. Seven or eight attended prayers (in the open air) tonight and said their prayers afterwards.

[18 March 1834]
Tuesd. 18th There are about 20 Natives in this neighbourhood, several are very ill. Many attended prayers tonight. I administered medicine to those that are sick, and to an European who has been confined to his bed for a long time. How much was I affected this day at the expression of a Native youth. When speaking to him on the subject of religion he asked in a quick manner "what for you not tell me that when I come up Wellington." I was affected at the

People in WellPro Directory: Fisher, Thomas

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.21.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-192


question as it regarded the youth. It seemed that he felt an interest in the subject. And as it regarded myself to think that I could have been guilty of allowing a Native to come up to Wellington, if only for an hour, and to go away without having heard something respecting religion. The Lord help me to be instant in season and out of season.

[19 March 1834]
Wednes. 19th The European is much better as well as some of the Natives. They are moving off, not many here tonight, only 3 at family prayers.

[20 March 1834]
Thursd 20th Found it extremely cold in the tent this morning. As the Natives had most of them gone away we commenced our journey homewards. When about 12 miles from Wellington we met Tommy, the sick youth whom we took down from Munore with us, but whom I left at home recovering. I asked him where he was going, he said "to look out you". I said well you must go back again. He appeared very willing. As Mr Fisher was in the gig, Tommy had to walk about 8 miles to Goboleon, and then I took him up into the gig.

[21 March 1834]
Frid 21st Rode over to Newrea, 8 miles on a little business with the Blacksmith.

[22 March 1834]
Sat. 22nd Many Natives came up today on their way to Burrandong.[79] They did not remain long here.

[23 March 1834]
Sund 23. Five Natives at church today. The Goboleon boys were in my garden yesterday stealing peaches, and so I suppose they are afraid of coming.

People in WellPro Directory: Fisher, Thomas

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.22.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-193


[24 March 1834]
Mond M'h 24. Bobby and his yeeners returned today. Twelve Natives here today. Br Handt went into the bush today accompanied by an European who is acquainted with the road. A Native is to join them at Goboleon.

[25 March 1833]
Tuesd 25th The stockman who accompanied Br Handt returned today saying that he had lost his horse, but the stockman had found it and brought it. I sent one of our men with another horse telling him to remain with Mr Handt. I also sent a Native boy on the strayed horse.

[27 March 1834]
Thursd 27th I was at a short distance in the bush with our Natives today. Kabahrin had also come up. He asked "what day is tomorrow". I answered Friday. O, says he, "whitefellow told me it was Sunday, go to church tomorrow". I said it was a great day. "hy hy Good Friday I believe?" he replied. I said yes, that is the day on which Jesus Christ died for you and me and everyone. He observed "yes yes he died, no not died I believe, only great sleep" referring to his rising again on Sunday.

[28 March 1834]
Frid 28th Crucifixion day. Twelve Natives at church. Several more came up but could not bear to hear me speak of death, unwilling to believe that they should ever die.

[30 March 1834]
Sunday 30th Ten Natives at church today.

[31 March 1834]
Mond 31st Ten Natives here. After prayers I endeavoured to direct the attention of the elder ones, who

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.23.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-194


[31 March 1834 cont]
had not been with us so much as the others, to the subject of religion and a future state, but they begged that I would talk no more about that as they should live a long time yet. I referred them to some who had died rather suddenly and attempted to remind them how I had spoken to those in this manner and how they replied that they should live a long time, and now they were dead. But they would not converse on the subject. One of the sick youths whom I mentioned under date of Feb'y said respecting God "what for that fellow not make me murrambang" (recover me from sickness). I told him that he never prayed properly to God, that he cast off God and did those things which God said he should not do. It is very painful to hear them speak of the Divine Being under the appellation of fellow. But it is a name they give to every one whether male or female.

W. Watson
[signed] J.C.S. Handt

Journal 7: January-March 1834, p.24.
Class Mark: C N/O 92/16b
MS page no: 2-195


[Note] Rev. W. Watson’s Journal
Oct./33 to March/34