xi. 27 November 1841

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Handt to Jowett, 27 November 1841, p.1.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-038


[note] Recd July 2/42

Moreton Bay, Nov. 27, 1841.[33]

Very dear Sir,

I cordially thank you for the three Volumes of the Christian Visitor; they are very welcome here at Moreton Bay; and in my situation they are particularly useful.
This is but a small place yet there manifests itself as great an enmity to Christ and his religion, as in small places. Infidelity and antichristian Popery lift up their heads, as high as they ever can, but there are also those

People in WellPro Directory: Jowett, Reverend W.


Handt to Jowett, 27 November 1841, p.2.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-039


who seek and fear the Lord. I endeavour meekly, plainly and fully to preach the Gospel; and when my subject, or particular occurrences, lead me to expose infidelity and sin, I do not spare. The sceptical and wicked to not much relish my doctrine, or rather that of the Gospel; they are kept in awe, however, by a higher hand, not to broach their infidel opinions in the day-light, but as it were only in the dark, when they think they are, where none will refute their blasphemous sentiments, and they will not be accounted disreputable characters for uttering them.
In reference to the Aborigines, I cannot indeed do much for them; yet Providence, I believe, has opened a door for me of some usefulness, by directing Goverment [sic]

People in WellPro Directory: Jowett, Reverend W.


Handt to Jowett, 27 November 1841, p.3.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-040


to require me to furnish them with a Report every year relative to the Condition of the Aborigines. I have just finished the first, which I hope, will prove instrumental in inducing them to support Missionary efforts mong the Aborigines with more fervour.
Pray, remember me kindly to Mr. Coates and the Members of the Committee; and tell them, that I feel myself under great obligations to them for the countenance and support with which they have always favoured me, notwithstanding my weak services; and that I feel myself as strongly united with them through the bonds of Christian affection as before, when in their actual service. Mrs. Handt fully joins me in these sentiments, and thus

I remain
Very dear Sir
Yours faithfully
J.C.S. Handt.

People in WellPro Directory: Coates, Dandeson | Jowett, Reverend W.


Handt to Jowett, 27 November 1841, p.4.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-041

[addressed from]
Moreton Bay
Nov. 27/41
Rev J.C.S. Handt

[addressed to]
The Revd Wm Jowett
Salisbury Street

People in WellPro Directory: Jowett, Reverend W.