v. 30 September 1831

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Handt to Woodrooffe and Coates, 30 September 1831, p.1.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-017


Sydney, September 30, 1831.

My dear Sirs,

You will probably have received my letters, the former, dated the 27th of April, Simon's Town, Cape of good Hope; and the latter, dated the 5th July, Sydney. I wrote also a letter to You from Portsmouth, on board of the Eleanor, informing You that the Captain, after having received Your letter concerning his demand of more money for my passage, gave me that letter to read, ? it laughing a very severe one; and telling me, that I should not trouble my mind; and that he behaved well towards me. This letter with several others that I have written, I intended to give to the Pilot on his leaving us, but, to my great mortification, I found afterwards, that I had, in haste, left back Yours.
The whole time, I have been in Sydney, I have resided with the Revd. Richard Hill, and have found him a kind Father to the Missionaries. It was to secure a lodging in future for myself, and for Mr. Matthews whose arrival was daily expected, that I on the 5th of this month went to a boarding house. For we both should have had no room in Mr. Hill's house. Mr. Matthews arrived here, on the 17th instant in good spirits and health. Blessed be the Lord who has preserved us from all evil, and protected us in all dangers, both in body and soul. We had so much to ask and to tell each other that we could hardly sleep the first night. We both occupied one lodging, and lived very comfortably together. [13]
When I arrived, the Archdeacon, Mr. Broughton, payed me every attention, and said to Mr Hill that he would speak with the

People in WellPro Directory: Broughton, William Grant | Coates, Dandeson | Hill, Reverend Richard | Matthews, Reverend


Handt to Woodrooffe and Coates, 30 September 1831, p.2.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-018


Governor with regard to our Mission, and especially concerning Wellington Valley, a place 260 miles from Sydney, formally an Establishment for Convicts, but now given up and left to the care of some persons only; and that I should wait till both Mr. Matthews and Watson arrive; when he himself would, if circumstances did permit, proceed with us to the place, and arrange things properly. But when he found that I had not brought official communications for him from You with regard to this Mission; (that we should be under his direction, namely as his Clergy) he began to withdraw his attention from me, although he was very kind to me, when I occasionally met him. I could not immediately perceive it, and had not Mr. Hill told me the reason of it, a short time ago, I should not know it, even now. Mr Hill informed me at the same time, that the Archdeacon was, however, waiting for the arrival of Mr. Matthews, thinking that he should bring out some official communication for him. But this has not been the case, as I see now.
The reason that the Archdeacon entertained such thoughts was, because he supposed that the Government at home has taken in hand to establish a Mission among the Aborigines after he had suggested the matter to them. The Revd. Richard Hill, however, has showed him by letters from you, that arrangements had been made by the Government at home relative this mission, before his proposal could have reached England; and thus he seems now to be satisfied. [14]
My time here is taken up by performing ministerial office in the Asylum, three times a week. Sometimes I go also to the prisoners in the gaol. Last week, nineteen of them were under the

People in WellPro Directory: Bourke, Governor | Broughton, William Grant | Coates, Dandeson | Hill, Reverend Richard | Marsden, Reverend Samuel | Matthews, Reverend | Watson, Mrs


Handt to Woodrooffe and Coates, 30 September 1831, p.3.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-019


sentence of death; ten Roman Catholics and nine Protestants. Four of the latter repented; three of them died in the faith; one was reprieved. [15]
I have also, according to the opportunity I have, made a small beginning in the Aboriginal language of the Inhabitants of that district (Wellington Valley) to which we will have probably to go. They have many nasal sounds in their language and more consonants than in any of the South Sea Islands. There is no similitude [sic] whatever between these languages.
The well-disposed people of this Colony sincerely wish that something should be done for the poor Aborigines with regard to religion and they look with anxious expectation for our going out to them. They consider it, however, to be a work of much time and perseverance. May God bestow his blessings upon our labours for them, and make the blood of his Son efficacious upon their hearts.*
We hope to see Brother Watson and his wife in about 2 months, and then to proceed to our station. For so it seems to be the intention of the Corresponding Committee.
May the Lord sustain you in body and soul, and all the Members of the Committee!

I remain my dear Sirs
Your humble servant
J.C.S. Handt.

* The Aborigines that walk here about in the streets of Sydney are, I am sorry to say, initiated in all European vices. It is indeed time, that the blessings of the Gospel should be known to them, after they have been greatly deprived of their Country, their hunting and fishing places, and made the children of hell by the Europeans ten times more, than they were

People in WellPro Directory: Coates, Dandeson


Handt to Woodrooffe and Coates, 30 September 1831, p.4.
Class Mark: C N/O 51/
MS page no: 1-020


before. Especially, as they are capable of learning to perform any European business and of improving their intellects. The Revd Richard Hill told me, that he has seen a Native that had been instructed, and really converted. The Revd. Mr. Marsden, whose mind is [?proposed] in favour of the New Zealanders, has indeed very little hope concerning the Inhabitants of this Country. We spoke with him about them; he started several objections, the last of which was, that they eat snakes. As however the New Zealanders eat men, and have yet proved capable of receiving Christianity; I entertain also no doubt with regard to the Aborigines who eat snakes. At the same time I am sure, we shall be accompanied with Mr. Marsden's prayer.
Before yesterday, the 29th September, I and Mr. Matthews made an excursion of about 4 miles in the Country on foot, tracking by the compass passing Cook's river, and returning at the same day. On both sides of the river the soil is very fertile. We saw also a rock, called the cup and saucers rock, because there are many cavities in it, which resemble in a great measure the form of cups and saucers.
The conduct of the greater part of the Colonists is, as you may expect from a set of transported people. Once I passed a women and a man in the street, who seemed to be upon very good terms; and such was the tenderings of the women, and such were her kind feelings, that she said to the man, she could wish to see him hanged. As now with expressions bear testimony to their affections towards each other; I hope you will not desire to know much of their cruelty against each other. It not very infrequently happens, that in fighting together, they break each other’s limbs.

People in WellPro Directory: Coates, Dandeson | Marsden, Reverend Samuel | Matthews, Reverend