Respecting the rights of others


Studying at University will bring you into contact with people from diverse backgrounds. You may be expected to work with other students as part of your course work, whether communicating in an online discussion forum, or participating in a group assessment. Inclusiveness aims to allow everyone, no matter what a person’s sex, race, age, nationality, gender orientation, sexual preference, marital status, political conviction, religious belief, disability, carer or family responsibilities, the opportunity to learn together and from each other.


In particular, the University of Newcastle's Inclusive Language Policy states that all communications at University should:

  1. avoid images, expressions, or language constructions that reinforce inappropriate, demeaning or discriminatory attitudes or assumptions about persons or groups based on age, race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, marital status, political conviction, religious belief, or disability, family responsibilities or carers’ responsibilities
  2. use images, expressions and language constructions that positively reflect the richness of the social and cultural diversity of the University and its community, in acknowledging the range of lifestyles, experiences and values.


Some tips for using inclusive language.


Be aware that written communications that are derogatory of others may infringe defamation laws, and if they are derogatory of others in relation to race, they may breach racial vilification laws. See the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977


The Student Misconduct Rule also defines the following as student misconduct: conduct that "assaults, threatens, bullies, harrasses or endangers any staff, student or other member of the University community or causes them to fear for their personal safety."