Scholarly journals
Scholarly journals, sometimes referred to as peer reviewed (refereed) journals, are usually published by and for experts. In order to be published in a scholarly journal, an article must first go through a peer review process in which a group of widely acknowledged experts in a field review it for content, scholarly soundness and academic value. In most cases, articles in scholarly journals present new, previously un-published research. Scholarly sources almost always include a bibliography and footnotes, author's name and academic credentials, few images, and are written in the formal language used by the discipline.
Popular journals
Articles from the popular press are viewed as having less credibility than scholarly resources. They are often written by authors who may have no expertise in a particular field and as they are intended for a general audience, may represent a less expert point of view. Since articles in the popular press are not subject to a review process they are usually published more quickly and rarely contain footnotes and bibliographic citations.