i. 14 July 1838  

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Letter 1: Porter to Coates, 14 July 1838, p.1.
Class Mark: C N/O 70/-
MS page no: 4-001


[note] Rec'd Dec. 1/38

July 14th, 1838

Dear Sir,

We arrived here: through much mercy, on the 1st of the month in health & safety: and after an unusually long passage: being 20 weeks from England. Mr Hadfield wrote to you from the Cape; where we put in for fresh water &c. I also wrote to Mr Broughton: desiring him to send me a new Black Dress of clothes; (thinking that by the time they arrived I should want them). Also Davenant’s Commentary on the Calossians; & Milner’s Church History to which I would now add Owen’s Commentary on the Hebrews. These Books I could wish to have; as I know somewhat the value of them: But I wish them to be paid out of my yearly salary: as I have a little money with me to discharge any incidental expenses; which I might incur here.
Since our landing; I have been busily employed in making preparations to proceed to my destination; to which place, (if God will) I shall proceed on Monday next. I go by the Mail to Bathurst; where I expect to have an horse sent me by Mr Watson, from Wellington; as Rev. Mr Cowper has written to Mr Watson to that effect.
If Mr Broughton has not sent the above-mentioned articles; perhaps you would be kind enough to allow

People in WellPro Directory: Broughton, William Grant | Coates, Dandeson | Cowper, Reverend William

Letter 1: Porter to Coates, 14 July 1838, p.2.
Class Mark: C N/O 70/-
MS page no: 4-002


them to be sent the first opportunity; as the only way of my obtaining anything from England is through the medium of the Society.
Mr Hadfield & myself are both well in health, for which we would thank our Heavenly Father: who is ever with us: to guide, guard: & help us with the riches of His Grace; & to keep us by His Glorious power, through Faith, unto Salvation. We are living together very agreeably; speaking to & edifying each other continually in those things which belong to our everlasting peace.

I remain dear sir,
Your humble servant in the Lord
William Porter.

People in WellPro Directory: Coates, Dandeson

Letter 1: Porter to Coates, 14 July 1838, p.3.
Class Mark: C N/O 70/-
MS page no: 4-003


[addressed to]
D. Coates
Church Missionary House
Salisbury Square

[addressed from]
Sydney July 14/38
W.M. Porter


People in WellPro Directory: Coates, Dandeson