Coates to Hill, 4 July 1833

Extract of a letter from Coates to Hill, 4 July 1833
Class mark C. N/L2 (1829-36), p.313

With regard to the Mission, it is to be observed that it did not originate with the Committee, but with His Majesty’s Government; and that is was placed under the direction and management of the committee by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, acting in the name and under the authority of the Kin. A special arrangement thus made, under this sanction, cannot be invalidated by instructions addressed to the Governor for his general direction. The Committee therefore, having undertaken this charge at the instance of the King’s Government, & made themselves responsible to that Government for the due discharge of the trust confided to them. do not consider it compatible with the obligation thus imposed upon them to make that transfer of the direction and management of the Mission which is implied in the requisition of the Archdeacon.